06 Ott GranDesignEtico – MultiSwiss – International awards 2012

MultiSwiss is an innovative turning machine and its strategic design allows a perfect balance between business, performances, user-centered and marketing strategies.
MultiSwiss design is really innovative and important for a new way to work infact it allows a new conception of workplace more pleasent, new method of work, hight performances, easy transport, more ergonomics, new interface, new accessibility but especially hight security at work.
The MultiSwiss is the link between multi-spindle and single-spindle machines. The MultiSwiss has 6 mobile spindles which use torque motor technology to index the barrel. It is very fast and can deliver cycle times equal to those of cam-operated multi-spindle turning machines.
Thanks to its hydrostatic technology, can achieve exceptional finishes (Ra 0.15) and outstanding tool adherence even in materials considered difficult to machine. Despite its exceptional performance, the MultiSwiss is extremely easy to set up and adjust, and it is programmed in the same way as 6 machines with 3 linear axes, which means you don’t need to be an expert operate it.
MultiSwiss è un prodotto innovativo di tornitura e attraverso il suo design strategico crea un perfetto bilancio tra business, prestazioni, user-centered e strategia marketing dell’ impresa.
Attraverso il design, la di la macchina ha portato al settore delle macchine industriali un cambio radicale, riprogettando l’ ambiente di lavoro, metodologia di lavoro, performance, trasporto, ergonomia, interfaccia, accessibilità ed in particolar modo la sicurezza sul lavoro.